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Analysis of the Technical Characteristics and Application Status of Drones in Fire Scene Detection

As people become more and more aware of fire safety, the firefighting industry continues to push the envelope and try new technologies to improve the efficiency and accuracy of fire scene survey and detection.

Among them, drone technology has become a fast, accurate and efficient means of fire scene survey in recent years. The use of drones to fire scene detection and monitoring can achieve long-distance, rapid response, high-precision, wide-range data collection and transmission, providing real-time support and feedback for rescue efforts.


1. Technical characteristics of drones in fire scene detection

In order to better achieve the monitoring and detection of the fire scene, drones need to have a variety of technical characteristics, including:

· Can carry high-precision sensors, cameras and image processing modules, so as to achieve high-definition image capture of the fire scene, thermal imaging sensing and analysis and processing functions.

· With flexible flight attitude control and flight path planning capabilities, to be able to fly safely in complex terrain, building clusters, dangerous areas and other environments.

· Supporting real-time data transmission and processing, the acquired monitoring data can be quickly transmitted to the command center or field commander, so that it can quickly grasp the fire information situation and related rescue tasks.


2. Current status of research on the application of drones in fire scene detection

Research on the application of drones in fire scene detection has received widespread attention. In recent years, relevant institutions and enterprises around the world have developed a variety of equipment suitable for fire scene detection and monitoring using drone technology, and formed a relevant technical system and application cases. Specific application studies are as follows.

· Comprehensive fire detection technology

The use of photoelectric sensing, thermal imaging technology, combined with multi-band image processing technology, designed a highly efficient and accurate comprehensive fire detection system, can accurately identify and locate the fire point, smoke, flame and other related features in the fire scene, providing important information to support the commander to quickly make decisions and arrangements.

· UAV in the application of fire scene thermal imaging monitoring

The use of drones and thermal imaging technology, real-time monitoring of the fire site heat signal, capture, analysis of the internal thermal distribution of the fire site, can accurately determine the scope of the fire, the direction of fire extension and change, to provide command decision-making basis.

· UAV-based smoke feature detection technology

UAV smoke detection system uses laser sensing technology to achieve accurate and rapid detection of smoke from a distance, and can judge and analyze the composition of different smoke.


3. Future Outlook

With the continuous progress of technology and application scenarios continue to expand, the detection and monitoring of drones in the fire scene will achieve more accurate, more efficient, more comprehensive information collection and feedback. In the future, we will also strengthen the research and development and improvement of the range stability of the drone and the security of data encryption and transmission, so as to achieve greater success in practical applications. In the future, we will also strengthen the research and development and improvement of the range stability and data encryption transmission security of drones, so as to achieve greater effectiveness in the actual application.

Post time: May-16-2023