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Carrying out drone digital agriculture composite talent training to create high-quality “new farmers”

November 20, Yongxing County drone digital agriculture composite talent special training courses officially opened, public 70 students to participate in training.

Carrying out drone digital agriculture composite talent training to create high-quality "new farmers"-1

The teaching team took centralized lectures, simulated flights, observation teaching, practical training flights and other ways to carry out training, with a total training length of 56 hours, and the main courses included: digital application and platform use of drones, pesticide use and fly-control project management, laws and regulations of drones, dry-seed pelletization and application of new technology of biological fungicide, drone system and structure, repair and maintenance, simulated flights of drones, practical training flights, and so on.

Carrying out drone digital agriculture composite talent training to create high-quality "new farmers"-2

This training is aimed at cultivating a team of high-quality farmers who are in urgent need of adapting to industrial development and rural construction, becoming qualified practitioners of intelligent agricultural machinery and undertakers and users of intelligent agriculture, and providing talent support for accelerating the high-quality development of agricultural modernization in our city.

Post time: Nov-24-2023