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How Will Delivery Drones Affect Jobs

With the advancement of technology, drone delivery has become a possible future trend. Drone deliveries can increase efficiency, reduce costs, shorten delivery time, and also avoid traffic congestion and environmental pollution. However, drone delivery has also sparked some controversy, especially for those who work in delivery, will they lose their jobs due to the emergence of drones?


According to a study, drones could displace $127 billion worth of labor and services across multiple industries. For example, tech giants such as Amazon, Google, and Apple may utilize drones to make deliveries in the near future, while industries such as aviation, construction, and agriculture may also use drones to replace pilots, laborers, and farmers. Many of the jobs in these industries are low-skilled, low-paying, and easily replaced by automation.


However, not all experts believe that drone deliveries will lead to mass unemployment. Some argue that drone delivery is simply a technological innovation that will change the nature of work rather than eliminate it. They point out that drone delivery doesn’t mean that human involvement is completely eliminated, but rather that it requires collaboration with humans. For example, drones will still need to have operators, maintainers, supervisors, etc. In addition, drone delivery may also create new jobs, such as drone designers, data analysts, security experts, etc.


Thus, the impact of drone delivery on employment is not lopsided. It has the potential to both threaten some traditional jobs and create some new ones. The key lies in adapting to this change, improving one’s skills and competitiveness, and developing sensible policies and regulations to protect the rights and safety of workers.

Post time: Oct-19-2023