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Make Operations Safer, Plant Protection Drone Battery Maintenance and Emergency Measures to Deal with Emergencies

The drone batteries that power the drones take on very heavy flying duties. How to use and protect the plant protection drone battery has become the most important concern of many pilots.


So, today we will tell you how to properly maintain the smart battery of agricultural drones and extend the battery life.

1. No excessive discharge

The intelligent battery used in the plant protection drone should be used within a reasonable voltage range. If the voltage is over-discharged, the light will damage the battery, and the heavy voltage will be too low to cause a blow-up. Some pilots fly to the limit every time they fly because of the small number of batteries, which will lead to a shortened battery life. So in normal flight, try to shallow charge and shallow discharge, so as to increase the battery life.

After each flight, when the battery is stored for a long time, the power should be replenished in time to avoid excessive discharge, resulting in low battery voltage, the main board light does not light up and can not charge and work, which will seriously lead to battery scrap.


2. Safe placement

Smart batteries should be lightly held and placed. The outer skin of the battery is an important structure to prevent the battery from exploding and leaking liquid from catching fire, and if broken, it will directly lead to a battery fire or explosion. When fixing the smart battery on the agricultural drone, the battery should be fastened.

Do not charge and discharge in high/low temperature environments. Extreme temperatures can affect the performance and life of the smart battery. Before charging, check whether the used smart battery has been cooled down and do not charge or discharge in cold garages, basements, under direct sunlight or near heat sources.

Smart batteries should be placed in a cool environment for storage. When storing smart batteries for a long time, it is best to put them in a sealed explosion-proof box with a recommended ambient temperature of 10~25°C and dry and free of corrosive gases.


3. Safe transportation

Smart batteries are most afraid of bumping and friction, transport bumping may cause internal short circuit of the smart battery, thus causing unnecessary accidents. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid conductive substances touching the positive and negative poles of the smart battery at the same time. During transportation, it is best to give the battery a separate self-sealing bag.

Some of the pesticide additives are flammable, so the pesticide should be placed separately from the smart battery.

4. Prevent battery corrosion

Incorrect use of the plug of the smart battery may produce corrosion, therefore, the user must avoid the corrosion of drugs on the smart battery after charging, the actual operation. After the end of the operation when placing the battery must be away from drugs, so as to reduce the corrosion of drugs on the battery.

5. Regularly check the appearance of the battery and power

Should regularly check the main body of the smart battery, handle, wire, power plug, observe whether the appearance of damage, deformation, corrosion, discoloration, broken skin, as well as the plug and the drone plug is too loose.

At the end of each operation, the battery surface and power plug must be wiped with a dry cloth to ensure that there is no pesticide residue, so as not to corrode the battery. Intelligent battery temperature is high after the end of the flight operation, you need to wait for the flight intelligent battery temperature to drop below 40 ℃ before charging it (the best temperature range for battery charging is 5 ℃ to 40℃).


6. Emergency disposal

Battery if a sudden fire when charging, the first thing to do is to cut off the power to the charging device; use asbestos gloves or fire pliers to remove the smart battery, isolated on the ground or fire sand bucket. Cover the burning fire on the ground with an asbestos blanket, and use fire sand to bury in the asbestos blanket to isolate the air.

If you need to scrap the exhausted smart battery, apply salt water to completely soak the battery for more than 72 hours to ensure complete discharge before drying and scrapping.

Never: Use dry powder to extinguish fires, because the use of dry powder to deal with solid metal chemical fires requires the use of large amounts of dust, and has a corrosive effect on the equipment and pollute the space.

Carbon dioxide, does not pollute the space and does not corrode the machine, but can only achieve instantaneous suppression of the fire, the need for sand and gravel, asbestos blankets and other fire extinguishing tools with the use.

Buried in the sand, covered with sand, using isolation fire extinguishing, is the best way to deal with smart battery burning.

The first finder should put out the fire as soon as possible, while using communication tools to notify other personnel for reinforcements to minimize property damage and personnel injuries.

Post time: Apr-04-2023