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The Development Direction Of Smart Agriculture

Smart agriculture is to promote the transformation and upgrading of the agricultural industry chain through automated, intelligent agricultural equipment and products (such as agricultural drones); to realize the refinement, efficiency and greening of agriculture, and to guarantee the safety of agricultural products, the improvement of agricultural competitiveness and the sustainable development of agriculture. Simply put, it is to use automation tools to reduce costs and improve efficiency.


The use of intelligent machinery such as drones for spraying operations is more effective and accurate than traditional agriculture, and can cover a larger area in a shorter period of time.

In addition, there are many benefits to using drones for spraying, including:

• Higher efficiency: Compared to traditional agricultural spraying methods (manual spraying or ground equipment), UAV equipment can cover a larger area in less time.

• Accurate mapping: Drones can be equipped with GPS and mapping technology to provide accurate and targeted spraying, especially for areas with complex terrain.

• Reduced waste: Drones can apply pesticides and other chemicals more accurately, reducing waste and overspray.

• High safety: drones can be operated remotely, reducing the need for staff to be exposed to hazardous chemicals.


Prospects for the development of smart agriculture: At present, the target groups of users are mainly state-owned farms, agricultural enterprises, cooperatives and family farms. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the number of family farms, farmers' cooperatives, enterprise farms and state-owned farms in China has exceeded 3 million, with an area of about 9.2 million hectares.


For this segment of users, the potential market size of smart agriculture has reached more than 780 billion yuan. At the same time, this system will become more and more popular, the access threshold of farms will become lower and lower, and the boundary of the market will expand again.

Post time: Jun-16-2022

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